Ben Sasse Plays A Senator On TV
Last weekend we learned that Donald Trump is engulfed in yet another Russia scandal even while the corona virus rampages uncontrolled throughout most of the U.S. We discovered that the Russians are paying the Taliban to murder American soldiers. In addition, former National Security Adviser John Bolton said that Trump was aware of this nefarious scheme to kill our heroes as early as 2019.
After the former TV reality star was briefed about this heinous operation he invited Putin to come to the U.S., invited Russia to join the G-7 and has even proposed withdrawing U.S. troops from Germany. Trump still hasn’t condemned the bounty scheme or criticized Putin. As a matter of fact, Trump has never criticized Putin, but he has criticized just about everybody else under the sun.
Ben Sasse actually emerged from his survivalist bunker and promised to do something about this sinister Russian-Taliban intelligence operation. Sasse said that the scandal should be investigated by the Congress and that “the effort should transcend the short-term politics that usually dominate Capitol Hill.”
“I’ve been hearing from military families in Nebraska constantly for the last 36 hours, and they’re livid,” Sasse said. “This is a story about the targeting of American men and women in uniform. This is about putting crosshairs on the backs of people who are fighting for our freedom. This is not about short-term politics.”
Sasse further contended that Congress “is broken” and needs to pull together to “get to the bottom of two questions: “Who knew what when inside the administration? Did the commander in chief know? If not, why the heck not? What’s going on in that process? This institution needs to be really serious about the oversight we do,” Nebraska’s junior Senator said.
But does anybody really think that Sasse will actually do anything? Since Trump has been inaugurated, Sasse has rubber stamped the Trump agenda while occasionally posting sad tweets expressing that he is “concerned” or “troubled” by some aspect of Trump’s vile behavior.
Genuine Never Trump Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin said it best: “Even less credible is Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.), who never met a pseudo-scandal about President Barack Obama that did not rivet him nor a legitimate one about Trump that did.”
Earlier this year, Sasse had the chance to make a difference and support genuine oversight of the Trump Administration during Mitch McConnell’s travesty of an impeachment trial. Sasse (and Deb Fischer) both voted not to call any witnesses, including John Bolton. Trump’s former National Security Adviser (and other witnesses) could’ve testified regarding Trump’s impeachable offenses and general unfitness for the office of president. Instead, Sasse voted against removing Trump and allowed this national nightmare to continue.
Jennifer Rubin has laid out a road map that Sasse and other Republicans in Congress could follow if they want to be taken seriously. They could:
- Call Bolton to testify;
- Admit gross error in exonerating Trump on Ukraine;
- End support for his reelection;
- Call for his resignation.
But does anybody really believe that Ben Sasse or any other Republican in Congress would do that? I think we all know the answer.
Numerous senior US officials — including his former secretaries of state and defense, two national security advisers and his longest-serving chief of staff — believe that the Trump himself has posed a danger to the national security of the United States. Trump is unfit to be president. Over 100 newspapers demanded Bill Clinton’s resignation in 1998–99. Where are they now? Cowards. Trump should resign now!
It’s pretty obvious that Sasse is part of the problem that he bemoans. Thanks in part to Ben Sasse, Congress isn’t functioning properly. As usual, Sasse is all talk and no action.
The solution to the gridlock in the Senate is to repeal and replace Sasse with Alisha Shelton. Due to Chris Janicek’s meltdown, Shelton has emerged as the de facto Democratic nominee in the U.S. Senate race. I would urge everybody to help out Alisha Shelton. We all deserve better. Much better. Now let’s get it done!