Fortenberry Is Sitting Out The Trump Trade War In Ben Sasse’s Survivalist Bunker
In 2018, Congressman Jeff Fortenberry said that the tariffs on China “may or may not prove to be a beneficial move for the U.S.” That was a typical wishy washy and clueless statement from the #NE01 Congressman. Last year, just about everybody knew the #TrumpTradeWar was bad for agriculture.
Those experts have since been proven right. (No surprise.) Due to the Fortenberry-Trump Trade war, farm incomes are at their lowest level since 2002 & farm bankruptcies have more than tripled since 2016.
China initially ceased buying U.S. soybeans but they have since made some limited purchases. Unfortunately, those purchases are still too small and the Trump Farm bailout doesn’t anywhere close to mitigating the devastation from his trade war.
Even if Trump and the Chinese settle this trade war, it will be years — if ever — before the farm economy bounces back.
Meanwhile, Fortenberry has said nothing about the trade war that he supports and that has hurt Nebraska farmers. He must be in Ben Sasse’s survivalist bunker. Where is Jeff? We deserve so much better.