New Book — Robert F. Kennedy: The Road Not Taken From Nebraska to the White House.
Robert F. Kennedy: The Road Not Taken From Nebraska to the White House.
Dr. Laura J. Crawford (my oldest daughter) and I have written a book on Robert Kennedy’s campaign in Nebraska in 1968. We believe that this fills in a real void in the history of Robert Kennedy’s campaign for president. There are no books on the 1968 Nebraska primary and the Husker state is largely neglected in the histories of Kennedy’s campaign and the 1968 presidential campaign in general.
This book will further burnish Robert F. Kennedy’s legacy and place in history. Nebraska brought out the best in Kennedy and he brought out the best in Nebraska. Nebraska voters became well acquainted with Kennedy’s charisma, warmth, charm, wit and sense of humor. He loved Nebraskans and they loved him back. It was an unlikely coupling.
I enclose for your a book proposal written by Dr. Laura Crawford:
“As virtual American royalty, the Kennedy’s are a perennial source of intrigue for the American public. This historical work does not seek to rehash or re-examine the Kennedy legacy, but rather introduce a topic that is largely unknown outside of Nebraska. Robert Kennedy’s 1968 presidential campaign here has been largely overlooked or glossed over on the national scale. For example, Eugene McCarthy largely ignored it in his memoirs, and the documentary “Bobby Kennedy for President” dedicated only one line to this portion of his campaign. This book addresses this gap by not only examining Robert Kennedy’s unique and sensational whistle stop tour across the state of Nebraska but does it within the broader context of the times. The story of Kennedy’s successful presidential campaign here is embedded within excerpts about Nebraskan culture, history, and politics, as well as enveloped within the broader sociopolitical context of the late 1960s. For example, the authors dedicate a chapter to race relations in north Omaha and how, in the aftermath of race riots, Kennedy was welcomed there with open arms — even in the pouring rain. This book is a larger story about the late 1960s and Robert Kennedy encapsulated on the micro scale.
Within Nebraska, Kennedy’s 1968 campaign remains an important cultural memory. For example, Nebraska Public Media created the documentary “’68: The Year Nebraska Mattered” on the subject. Moreover, Nebraska newspapers in 2018 and 2023 published historical retrospectives on Robert Kennedy in Nebraska. Furthermore, among the older generations, Kennedy’s campaign remains a topic of conversation. People interviewed for this book have flashbulb memories of Kennedy’s campaign much like one would have of the moon landing or 9/11. As such, this book fits nicely into the zeitgeist of our times — especially given the particularly tumultuous and uncertain nature of our current sociopolitical landscape. Today, even young readers can relate to the feeling of urgency and unrest that permeated the late 1960s, as well as the desire for political candidates who can promise a brighter future.
One of the most important functions of this book is that it preserves little known anecdotes about Nebraskan history from both archival research and interviews. Moreover, this book has the potential to make unique contributions to our understanding of Bobby Kennedy the man as this book provides unique insights found nowhere else. Importantly, our book debunks the idea that Eugene McCarthy did not campaign vigorously in Nebraska. While Kennedy spent ten days in the state, McCarthy spent eight days knocking on doors, giving speeches, and trying (unsuccessfully) to woo Nebraskans. In his memoirs McCarthy spins his loss here, saying that he gave Nebraska a quick one over and hoped for the best. Later historians have adopted this perspective, but the facts show otherwise. This book sets the story straight: McCarthy campaigned hard in Nebraska and felt his loss keenly.
The scope of research conducted for this book is impressive: the authors conducted careful and extensive archival research, delving into newspapers from even the smallest Nebraskan hamlets to dredge up little known stories about RFK and his campaign. Insider interviews from people who were there reveal stories that would soon be lost to history. For example, while campaigning in Beatrice, Kennedy decided to make an impromptu visit to the Beatrice State Developmental Center (BSDC) for the intellectually disabled — a well-known Nebraskan institution still in operation today. The press had no idea Kennedy was going to make this stop and went on to the next town where he was slated to speak. Kennedy approached the surprised workers and demanded to be allowed into the facility to see the children, his cocker spaniel Freckles in tow. While there Kennedy was adored by residents who had no idea who he was. They loved his dog, and they loved him. Kennedy loved them back, cradling and caring for hydrocephalic babies and patting children on the head.
The authors feel that this story, and others like it in our book, showcase the real Robert Kennedy and his motivations. At BSDC Kennedy was likely thinking about his disabled sister Rosemary who, after a disastrous lobotomy, was placed in such an institution for the rest of her life. Ultimately, this book reveals a man driven by his religious convictions to not only heal the country and the world, but to become a better version of himself. Kennedy’s character arc is on display, and he is shown to be an imperfect man constantly wrestling with himself to achieve a higher calling. For example, in one exchange Kennedy asserts that the United States was not, in fact, a racist country, but only that it needed to do better. At the end of his life, we see Kennedy as he truly was, but also what he could have become.
The authors contend that Kennedy would have won the 1968 presidential campaign to become the 37th president of the United States. The last chapter is dedicated to imagining a world in which Bobby Kennedy survived and made our country — and the world — a better place. In this alternative universe Kennedy would have become completely self-actualized and even more motivated by social justice. He would have become ever more dedicated to the cause of elevating the poor and underprivileged among us.
This book — while researched like a scholarly work — is written specifically to be accessible to a wide audience. It is an easy and quick read with direct language. The author’s initial intention was to write this book specifically for Nebraskan and Kennedy history buffs, but by expanding its scope to include the wider world of the 1960s, this book should captivate anyone with a cursory interest in those tumultuous times, which — in some ways — mirror our own. The authors hope to reach older generations who remember Robert Kennedy, as well as younger people who are just becoming interested in politics and what could be.”
We would be happy to provide excerpts or even the full manuscript to any potential publisher who is interested.
Thank you very much for your kind and serious consideration of this matter.